Matching the
interests of buyers
and sellers

You can now place orders for sale or purchase of Ferrochromium, Ferromanganese and Ferrosilicon on SoftMetal.
Market interest is transparently displayed and the best competitive deals are matched, taking into account both common and private value.

Additional multi-element commodities with similar market structures will be available on SoftMetal in the future.

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Trade your complex materials instantly

Automated transactions for Encrypted Forwarder Receipts of physical metal.

SoftMetal provides participants with automated transactions of the “ENFERUM” (Electronic Non-Fungible Encrypted Receipt for Unit of Metal) representing physical metals that are stored in safe independent warehouses* and whose quality is certified by recognized international surveyors.

Ferrochromium and Ferroalloys

Ferrochromium (FeCr), and alloys in general, have multielement mineral composition. Each mineral has its own value and individual importance, and each lot of metal has its own cost of production and value in use.

While Cr(omium) is the main element in ferrochromium and its content is the major contribution of FeCr price, other mineral components of alloy such as Fe(rrum), C(arbon), Si(licon), P(hosphorus), S(ulphur) can vary considerably.

The content of these minerals and CO2 footprint is typically within the range of:
Fe: 25% to 50%
P: 0.01% to 0.05%
C: 0.01% to 9.5%
CO2: Up to 10 MT / MT FeCr

Buyers define which alloy composition they are interested in purchasing.

Competing offers will be shown within the selected range.

Buyers can balance their preference for specific materials with competitiveness and liquidity.

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